Wednesday, 9 April 2014


1. Spot reduction is effective...
...false! Targeting areas will make those muscles stronger, but it's an ineffective way to trim fat build up in the area. The process of calorie-burning works throughout the entire body, so to effectively burn fat it's a mixture of a nutritious diet and combining cardio and strength workouts!

2. More sweat means burning extra calories...
...false! Sweat is simply a biological response to regulate your internal body temperature. It doesn't mean you ridded more calories than normal, however you may weigh less immediately after because you've lost extra water weight. Make sure to re-hydrate accordingly!

3. Skipping sleep will cause you to gain weight...
...true! Sleep deprivation increases ghrelin production (a hormone which triggers hunger). When sleep deprived you're more likely to be extra hungry that day, which will cause you to eat more than you normally would.

4. Running outside and treadmill running are equivalent...
...false! When running outside more muscles are engaged due to the constantly changing terrain and the weather (wind). The net result is on average about 10% more calories burned outside than when running the same distance on the treadmill.

5. Women and men can use the same training plans...
...true! Both women and men have the same body structure, but with hormonal differences. These hormonal differences will cause differences in muscle strength but both sexes can still work out the same way. While men mainly focus on the upper half and women on the lower, it's important to get in workouts that targets both halves of the body!


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