Tuesday, 12 May 2015

General Fitness Tips

1. Prepare Ahead
If you prepare all of your meals ahead of time you'll be less likely to reach for the unhealthy cravings with those pre-made nutritious meals all ready to go in your fridge.
Also, if you schedule exactly what you'll do to exercise the following day, whether it be a plan for the gym, or a certain distance you'll run outside, you're more likely to push yourself to stick to that plan, and less likely to back out of your plans to workout.

2. Eat More
Eating regularly throughout the day works to increase your metabolism, which thus aids in weight loss. Most people have this idea of eating less to lose weight, however instead of eating three meals throughout the day make those meals smaller and eat them in 5 sittings instead to more effectively shed the pounds.

3. Hydrate
Drinking enough water isn't just to avoid dehydration. It helps to ensure that your GI tract is healthy, which is the area where most nutrients are absorbed within the body. It's been shown that if you drink a large glass of ice cold water first things in the morning you can boost your metabolism by 24% for 90 minutes.

4. Avoid Discouragement
Find what works for you best and what you see improvements in, and then overload to grow off of that to further develop. Sometimes what you want to work for you doesn't, and you have to accept that. For example, running on an indoor track is easiest for me since it's at the gym, but the humidity prevents me from running very far. Whereas, if I take the time to run outside before or after the gym I can run over twice the distance as when in the gym, and this leaves me feeling more confident that I'm seeing progress.