Monday 5 May 2014

The Sauce Guide...

It's easy to go overboard on the amount of sauce you use on things like sandwiches and meat. Not very many people are aware of how calorie-rich certain sauces and spreads are! You can easily eat whatever lunch or dinner main course you want, and simply cut back on, or switch sauces to cut a couple hundred calories from your daily intake!

Watch These...

Olive Oil - 1 Tbsp = 100 Calories
Mayonnaise - 1 Tbsp = 80 Calories (depends on the fat content/brand)
Sour Cream - 1 Tbsp = 25 Calories (rich in unhealthy fats)
Guacamole - 1 Tbsp = 25 Calories (rich in - good - fats)
Ketchup - 1 Tbsp = 14 Calories (high in sugar)

*Note: often in sauces that require sour cream, low-fat yogurt works as a perfect supplement, and when using sour cream as a dip for things like perogies apple sauce is a healthy alternative!

Eat These...

Salsa - 1 Tbsp = 4 Calories
Mustard - 1 Tbsp = 5 Calories
Worcestershire - 1 Tbsp = 13 Calories
Soy Sauce - 1 Tbsp = 9 Calories
Hot Sauce - 1 Tsp = 0 Calories


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